Pitch Your Project

Pitch your Project

Thursday November 24th 2011
Limerick City, Ireland

The modern day artist is half creator half business commodity. We aim to engage this idea of the contemporary artist by setting up a Pitch your Project Event. We are three qualified Magisters Artium and we offer our expertise in Art and Design. The Magisters panel is a once off art event that will give you feedback, advice and critique your project or idea. We are investing our interest in your project. 

Thank you to all those who participated in Pitch Your Project on November 24th in Occupy Space. We will be posting the video from the event here shortly.Please find details below of the Artists, Designers and Theatre Company that contributed on the day.

Orchard Theatre Company
Dwyane Moloney, Designer
Brain Fitzgerald, Artist
We are inviting artists to pitch an art project or idea to the Magisters Panel.  
The modern day artist is half creator half business commodity. We aim to engage this idea of the contemporary artist by setting up a Pitch your Project Event. We are three qualified Magisters Artium and we offer our expertise in Art and Design. The Magisters panel is a once off art event that will give you feedback, advice and critique your project or idea. We are investing our interest in your project. 

The Magisters Panel is a performance based art piece which aims to help other artists and professionals but also engage in discussion about art and design. This performance will be filmed and used in future projects by the Art Links Limerick  collective. All projects and ideas remain the property of the artist who pitch them. The Pitch: You have 5 minutes to pitch their project or your idea. You will receive ten minutes of feedback and suggestions from the Magisters. Successful Project Pitches will be offered the opportunity to further their project with the help of the Magisters. 

As an professional artist in the current climate it is essential to be not only a productive creative practitioner but also a self contained business unit, performing the roles of a marketing executive, sales person, financial manager, publicist and spin doctor amongst others. The idea of art as a commodity has been discussed by Grant Kester who acknowledges that it has become 'increasingly difficult to establish a firm ontological boundary between "the work of art" and the commodity'.(1)  He also suggests that 'works of art are purchased not simply for spiritual power or beauty but as investments that are expected to appreciate in value.' (2)

The artwork, the process and labour undertaken by the artist to produce a given work become profit making activities to be sold as commodities for what Marx called 'exchange value'. It is the creation of this  ‘Exchange Value' that we aim to explore  in ‘Pitch your Project’. 

(1) Conversation Pieces, Grant Kester,p30
(2) ibid p31.www.yourvideohere.com

With special thanks to: 
Occupy Space for hosting the event: www.occupyspace.com 
Brian Fitzgerald: Video and Photography
Steven Lavin: Video and Photography

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